Anti-aging: Longevity Secrets From The Last 5 Living People Born In The 1800s

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Anti-aging Longevity Secrets From The Last 5 Living People Born In The 1800sPeople have always been curious about secrets to anti-aging and longevity. Let’s hear from exceptionally long-living people. These five women are the last living people born in the 1800s. What make them live more than 115 years?

116-year-old Misao Okawa From Japan, born on March 5, 1898, is the oldest living person in the world. Her secret: Good genes, regular sleep, exercise, and eat some sushi.

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Gertrude Weaver from United States, born in July 4, 1898. Her secrets: Kindness. “Treat people right and be nice to other people the way you want them to be nice to you.” And Having strong religious beliefs. “You have to follow God. Don’t follow anyone else,”

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Jeralean Talley from United States, born in May 23, 1899. Her secret: staying active. She still goes on annual fishing trips and even caught seven catfish at age 114.

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Susannah Mushatt Jones from United States, born in July 6, 1899. Her secret: Kindness, no-smoke, no alcohol, eat healthy.

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Emma Morano from Italy, born November 29, 1899. good eating habits and good sleeping.

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Kindness, peaceful mind, good genes, exercise, good eating habits, … what else did you notice in common from the oldest wisdom?

Interesting in finding out more, check out these daily anti-aging supplements too.


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